LAFS Films

Created by Frontline Media Network

The Gulf of Mexico is both a cradle of life, and a place of tremendous devastation. If we restore the wetlands, we will be able to live in Louisiana for generations, but if we let new carbon dioxide pipelines destroy our environment, the ecosystems will be severely impacted. Not only do the wetlands need protection, but the communities who live off of and thrive them do as well! Take action now by visiting and saying no to false solutions.

Louisiana Against False Solutions worked with Frontline Media Network to make this film.

In June of 2023, the Louisiana Against False Solutions Coalition and many other member organizations, including Rise St. James, Better Bayou, Healthy Gulf, and others, organized and spoke out against carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) in Louisiana at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) primacy hearing. This film shows how dangerous CCS is and why we don't want the EPA to allow LDNR to experiment with our communities and with our lives.

Webinars and other informational Videos